My art work is an attempt to enliven things although I keep a low profile and rarely show my work around(not by choice much of the time, just not easy to find venues for it due to a variety of reasons). Making money from it when I can is nice too.
I'll post a bit of work related images.
The first is a photo of a 16mm stop motion animation experiment i did in the early 90s(not my first but one of the earliest). Its about 3 seconds in duration. I havent attempted to post a video of it-although it might be interesting since it was made before computer graphics was available and used a few layers of glass to create a fire effect--with tiny light bulbs int he head and chest to make it glow like fire. Since then I have worked on doing the same with computer graphics.

The second image is a model of an angel I did in clay around the same time. It was made of roma plastilina and around 9 inches tall. After that I started to think about making keepsake figures instead of focusing on puppets designed for animation.

The third picture is my first surviving sculpture I did as a home decor type item(although I hate home decor). I made it in 1995 and still have the mold for it. It took 2 months to sculpt. It is called the "Heavenly Guardians" although I cant remember if I named it or someone else.

I have also done some painting. Here is an acrylic angel painting I did a few years ago.

And here is an image from my first computer animation experiment.

I did it this past January. It is 20 seconds long. I have a youtube link for it but the URL keeps changing. This was the last known link for it.